
Every emerging sector has its picks-and-shovels stocks that represent the crucial tools and equipment necessary to take advantage of opportunities. Gold prospectors required picks and shovels during the California gold rush of 1848. That’s the genesis of the phrase and provides a great framework, whereby catering to emerging opportunities is a valid business model itself.
During the pandemic era, several healthcare stocks skyrocketed. The focus was, however, on biopharma companies with an early-mover advantage related to the vaccine against Covid-19. Sentiments have changed drastically in a post-pandemic era with 2023 being a subdued year for healthcare stocks. However, there is no doubt about the point that global healthcare spending will
Embarking on a steady sail through the riveting investment realm, the name Warren Buffett continues to spark enthusiasm. Steering the mighty ship of Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK-A, NYSE:BRK-B), Buffett maintains vigilant control over an awe-inspiring $340 billion investment portfolio. While harboring nearly $150 billion in cash, he stands ever-ready to pounce on burgeoning opportunities with a