Investing News

Mark “Forger” Stucky, after piloting the company’s first successful spaceflight on December 13, 2018. Virgin Galactic Mark “Forger” Stucky, Virgin Galactic‘s flight test director and pilot, is no longer with the space tourism company. “I am now a former Director of Flight Test and former SpaceShipTwo pilot,” Stucky wrote in a post on LinkedIn. He
The future’s cars have long since moved from our imagination into the real world. High-profile successes and failures have created a polarized discussion surrounding the industry’s outlook, but no conclusions have emerged. As more automakers contemplate the direction of the industry, there are still too many unanswered questions. For one, companies continue to focus exclusively on
Investment bankers are typically the highest-paid workers in the finance industry—high salaries are most prevalent even among younger employees. The starting salary for the typical investment banker exceeds that of most other finance positions, but working in this field has its challenges. Aspiring finance professionals may wish to examine whether a career in investment banking
Healthcare, one of the largest and most complex sectors, is comprised of a broad range of companies that sell medical products and services. The healthcare sector includes companies that sell drugs, medical devices, and insurance, as well as hospitals and healthcare providers. Some of the largest healthcare companies in the world include UnitedHealth Group Inc. (UNH), Pfizer
In this article ABG sturti | E+ | Getty Images Company: Asbury Automotive Group Inc. (ABG) Business: Asbury Automotive Group is an automotive retailer in the United States. It offers a range of automotive products and services, including new and used vehicles; and vehicle repair and maintenance services, replacement parts, and collision repair services. The
Vanessa Rivera (left), Azuri Moon (center), Candace Koole (right) all say their unemployment insurance was stolen from their accounts. Source: CNBC As millions of Americans received unemployment payments to get through the crisis, scammers developed a new way to steal cash directly from recipients’ accounts, according to an investigation by CNBC. When one single mother’s
Finding relief for student loan debt becomes even more pressing if you’re one of the millions who have lost their job—or are earning less—because of the pandemic. Here’s some good news: It’s easier than ever to get payment relief for student debt right now, no matter what type of loan you have. We’ll explain the
A visual representation of digital currencies. Yuriko Nakao | Getty Images Virtual payments can be costly and slow – which makes them ripe for disruption by digital currencies, particularly stablecoin. What makes virtual payments inefficient is that they occur in a multitude of smaller closed networks: banks facilitate transfers linked to accounts, credit card networks
Art at the cryptocurrency conference Bitcoin 2021 Convention at the Mana Convention Center in Miami on June 4, 2021. Marco Bello | AFP | Getty Images Cryptocurrencies are in a summer slump as they navigate a two-month correction period following a string of negative stories. Trading volumes at the largest exchanges, including Coinbase, Kraken, Binance
David Solomon, chief executive officer of Goldman Sachs & Co., speaks during a Bloomberg Television interview at the Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California, U.S., on Monday, April 29, 2019. Patrick T. Fallon | Bloomberg | Getty Images Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon said that China’s recent moves boosting oversight of its technology
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, New York University professor and author Jerome Favre | Bloomberg | Getty Images Nicholas Nassim Taleb has reversed his stance on bitcoin. The “Black Swan” author said in a recent paper that the largest cryptocurrency by market cap has failed to satisfy the notions of it as a currency without government, a